Revitalization, rather than redevelopment.
Redevelopment is defined as “to develop again.” The kind of redevelopment work performed by the Prestige Worldwide Group is quite different.
Restoring property and using the practice of deconstruction – the selective dismantling of structures with a view to reuse the building’s original construction materials – the Prestige Worldwide Group is breathing new life into Lakeland communities while maintaining the city’s architectural connection to the past. With this focus on preservation and sustainability, what Lakeland is seeing is much more of revitalization and rejuvenation, than a redevelopment.
The team won Historic Lakeland’s “Outstanding Achievement” award for using salvaged materials from an Orange Street house deconstruction. Duplicating the style of the house torn down at 928-930 Cumberland Street, it was replaced with a new residential duplex.
Parker Street Neighborhood – 728 E Peachtree Street Parker Street Neighborhood – 728 E Peachtree Street 314 N Iowa Avenue 314 N Iowa Avenue 314 N Iowa Avenue 314 N Iowa Avenue 314 N Iowa Avenue 314 N Iowa Avenue 419 Oak Street 419 Oak Street 419 Oak Street 419 Oak Street 928-930 Cumberland Street 928-930 Cumberland Street